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Bullied to Death _ directed by Giovanni Coda

Bullied to Death depicts a 24 hour performance against homophobia through the real stories of teenagers worldwide that experience severe bullying episodes at school, from their own families and on the web, as a result of their coming out about their sexuality. 
The movie is centered on the life of a 14-year-old American boy, who committed suicide in 2011 in a careless, inadequate society which is confused, cruel, and unable to solve the increasing violence that deviates towards pathology especially when gender-related matters are at stake. 
The movie is without a precise place identification, thus representing all the possible places where these tragedies can happen. Actually, the whole world represents the ideal stage to set the film.

Bullied to Death a film by Giovanni Coda 
Original Language: English 

Executive Producers
Zena Società Cooperativa 
Atlantis Moon Productions

Con il contributo di: 
Regione Autonoma Della Sardegna
Fondazione Sardegna Film Commission
Comune di Cagliari

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